Locke and Stache partnered with the Community Partnership of the Ozarks to deliver a humorous and memorable video campaign aimed at preventing adults aged 21-25 from purchasing alcohol for minors. Through research and direct interviews with interns from the Community Partnership, we crafted a relatable and thought-provoking narrative. The campaign's striking imagery of rugged, old-school miners juxtaposed with our young adult, Jen, helped drive home the core message. The project included 30-second, 15-second, and 6-second cuts tailored for various media platforms.
Director of Photography at heart, Director by accident. Josh has been directing for Locke and Stache, whether accidentally or intentionally, from the beginning. His focus on story and aesthetic are intensified by his intentionality with every small detail. Josh is skilled at collaborating closely with both client and talent to bring to life stories that matter.
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